One-Off Events
Big Veteran Walk
21st August from 10:00
Enjoy a walk around Delamere Forest, described as the “shady oasis in the midst of the agricultural landscape of the Cheshire Plain”
The walk and transport there are free. The coach departs at 10:00 from Veterans HQ and returns around 16:00. There are 50 places available on a first-come basis.
If you have any medical issues, you will need to tell the staff upon booking. Contact the team at Veterans HQ for more details.
Routine Events
Boccia - Botcha
Every Monday from 10:00-12:00
Boccia (pronounced bot-cha) is a Paralympic sport with no Olympic equivalent and is similar to bowls. It is a target ball sport which tests both muscle control and accuracy. The term boccia derives from the Italian word meaning "bowl" and on the continent, bowls is often referred to as Bocce.
Boccia can be enjoyed by all. It’s a great way to introduce gentle exercise and also a great way to meet and have a good laugh.
The event is located 200m from HQ. The address is the Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Road, L5 4QT. Contact the team at Veterans HQ for more details.
Arts & Crafts
Every Thursday from 13:00-15:00
Where creativity meets camaraderie, Arts and Crafts is a great way to meet up while honing your artistic skills or exploring a new creative hobby.
From regular art to detailed military model-making, enjoy creating something with others.
To get involved, please contact the team at Veterans HQ for more details, either in person or via our Contact Us page.