Support Us
To Support Them
We keep our operating costs down to a minimum as we are an organisation that relies upon our trained volunteers, many of whom are ex-forces themselves to deliver the support needed.
You can help support us through a variety of means, and as always any help is greatly appreciated - no matter how small.
Click on a button below to find out more.
There are a range of volunteer roles for you to take part in, at Veterans HQ.
Volunteer Caseworker
Volunteers are trained as caseworkers. They receive ongoing training, regular support and supervision in providing a unique personal action plan around the veterans, reservists and or their family’s needs and requirements.
Custody Case Worker
To work in local prisons across the North West and with the probation service in supporting Veterans within the criminal justice system. This programme is a 3 x phase programme and requires additional training.
Veterans HQ are about to commence a new programme of support aimed at isolated and lonely veterans aged 65 years plus. The befriender will visit the isolated individual in their own home and work with them in helping them to engage with local veterans and community programmes.
Meet & Greeter
A Volunteer who will be based at HQ and meet and greet Veterans, reservists and their families when they attend HQ. They will make them a cuppa, and sit and talk to them while they are waiting for a case worker to meet with them.
Admin & Reception
To staff the reception desk, answer calls, take messages, book appointments and direct questions and issues to the right individual.
Fundraiser & Publicity
To raise funds either by street collection, helping to establish sponsorships with local businesses or companies, helping by raising awareness of Veterans HQ and veteran’s issues by organising events, publicity campaigns etc.
Volunteer Now
If you would like to volunteer for any of these positions then please get in contact with us!
Sponsorships & Partnerships
Veterans HQ is always seeking to collaborate with businesses, to help support out general work, specific projects or to help develop new and innovative approaches to new service offerings.
We offer businesses great new opportunities for delivering on their CSR and social value obligations and getting their employees to give back to their local communities through our Employee Volunteering programmes.
If you or your company would like to know more about how to support our work, then get in contact and we can arrange an informal meeting to discuss ways that you and your business can support us.
Centre of Excellence
A new initiative for Veterans HQ is the creation of a Centre of Excellence for ex-armed forces personnel, reservists and their families across the Liverpool City Region.
Whilst the early benefit of this exciting development will be to afford our team and veterans more space as an HQ, the longer-term benefits will see a wide range of service offerings coming together under one roof, including:
Emergency accommodation
Supported housing
Employability, education & training facilities
Health, fitness and wellbeing services
Counselling and interview facilities
We currently receive funding from NHS England. This enables project and programme work to be delivered to the most vulnerable individuals and families.
Most notably, our New Beginnings programme offers veterans and their families support through our Veterans in Custody and Families Officers posts and was funded by The Big Lottery.
Memorandum of Understanding
Our work is being supported by the Combined Authority and the new Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram via a Memorandum of Understanding and Veterans Strategy with the local authorities.
Just one of the benefits of this collaborative approach will be the data collection and information protocols all local veterans’ support organisations will share. This way, no matter where in the City Region a Veteran presents, they will be able to register and engage by going through the exact same process and, if they have already shared their details with just one of the veterans’ support organisations across Merseyside, we will be able to identify them and more quickly respond to their specific needs and help them access the most appropriate support.
Get In Touch
If you would like to sponsor or partner with us, then please get in touch!